National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is a national event held each spring to focus on
roadway work zone safety. The national kickoff event is hosted by a selected state department of
transportation (DOT) and focuses on the safety of roadway workers and the importance of staying
alert to work zones.
This year’s event is April 11-15 and hosted by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
with the theme of “Work Zones are a Sign to Slow Down.”
The week features a special event each day:
• Monday, April 11 — Work Zone Safety Training Day
• Tuesday, April 12 — National kickoff event
• Wednesday, April 13 — Go Orange Day
• Thursday, April 14 — Social media storm
• Friday, April 15 — Moment of Silence. This is new for 2022 and remembers the people who lost
their lives in a work zone incident.