How Will the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Will Affect Construction Markets? An AGC/FMI Webinar

Don’t miss this AGC/FMI two-part webinar series on the implementation of the historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and how it will affect the 2022 highway, transportation, utility, and direct federal construction markets.

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 worker looks at project on a jobsite Don’t Miss AGC’s Upcoming Two-PartWebinar Series AGC, along with FMI, will host a two-part webinar series on the implementation of the historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act recently signed into law by President Biden and how it will affect the 2022 highway, transportation, utility, and direct federal construction markets. Join us at 2 PM ET (11 AM PT) on Tuesday, January 25, for the first part in this series, Expanded Market Opportunities and Outlook for the 2022 Highway and Transportation Markets. AGC Member Price: $0Non-Member Price: $99 Register Today →Part 1: Expanded Market Opportunities and Outlook for the 2022 Highway and Transportation Markets January 25, 20222:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM PT FMI’s economic team will deliver a 2022 market outlook for the highway and transportation construction markets. Concluding the outlook, FMI’s Brian Moore will moderate a panel discussion among AGC multimodal construction firm CEOs and state owner agencies to broadly discuss what the owner and contractor expectations are for the coming year’s transportation construction market. Meet the SpeakersSee who's speaking in AGC's upcoming webinar seriesPart 2: Expanded Market Opportunities and Outlook for the 2022 Direct Federal and Utility Construction Markets January 27, 20222:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM PT In Part 2 of AGC and FMI’s webinar series on implementation of the new bipartisan infrastructure law, FMI’s economic team will deliver a 2022 market outlook for the direct federal and utility construction markets. Meet the Speakers Elizabeth “Liz” Mudd, Small Business Director, US Army Corps of Engineers John Jacobson, Executive Director, Directorate of Contracting, US Army Corps of Engineers Kristen Amderer, Senior Environmental Engineer, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Team, Environmental Protection Agency Steve Hall, Senior Vice President for Advocacy and External Affairs, American Council of Engineering Companies Moderator: Brian Moore, Partner, FMI Corporation If you are unsure if you can make the date but you like the topic, register now and receive copies of the slides and recording, which will be emailed to you post-event if you do not make it live.