The Contractor’s Supplemental Application for Workers Compensation is to be completed with Acord 130 application. Fill out below, or download the paper application and submit to Tammy King at Supplemental Application Business Name*Website URL*AGC Member?* Yes No Business Start Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY UntitledIf a start-up business, who was your previous employer(s)?Previous roles/positions:Years of Experience in IndustryKey PersonnelCurrent General Liability Carrier*Current Surety*Current Year Projection: Estimated Annual Revenue*Current Year Projection: Number of Employees*5 Year Projection: Estimated Annual Revenue*5 Year Projection: Number of Employees*Please describe your operations/business.Anticipated Clients & Territory (outside Alabama)*Is your company licensed as:* General Contractor Specialty Contractor Subcontractor In which states?*What percentage of your work is Commercial?*What percentage of your work is Residential?*What percentage of your work is Industrial?*What percentage of your operations is New Construction?*What percentage of your operations is Renovation/Remodeling?*What percentage of your operations is Service/Repair?*What percentage of your operations is Maintenance?*What percentage of your operations is "Other"?*Percent of work subcontracted:Estimated annual subcontractor costs:*Types of work subcontracted:*Do you require certificates of insurance and additional insured endorsement from subcontractors?* Yes No Does your work require USL&H or FELA coverage?* Yes No If yes, which?Who is responsible for human resources at your company? First Last What pre-employment practices do you utilize in hiring personnel?*Check all that apply. Application Drug Screens Reference Checks Skills/Trade Assessment MVR Other Post hire, which of the following do you perform or offer?*Check all that apply. Skills/Trade Training Health Insurance Exit Interviews Medical Questionnaire Disability Insurance Employee Manual/Orientation Wellness Program Periodic Job Reviews Do you employee any workers under the age of 19?* Yes No Do you employee any workers over the age of 65?* Yes No Do you utilize workers provided by temporary staffing/leasing agencies?* Yes No What training do you provide to temporary workers?Does your company need safety materials and training resources in languages other than English?* Yes No In what languages?Person responsible for Field Operations:* First Last Do you have supervision on site at all times work is performed?* Yes No Person responsible for Safety* First Last If this person has other roles besides implementing safety programs, what are their additional roles?Is this person certified CPR/First Aid?* Yes No Defibrillators on each site?* Yes No Is a copy of Safety Plan provided to, reviewed, signed by, and filed for each employee?* Yes No Please indicate any type(s) of drug testing required of employees.* Monthly Weekly Daily None Does your safety plan address business driving, including smart phone and texting policy?* Yes No Please provide any additional information.