Alabama AGC’s Student Chapter recently completed a project alongside the Lead Construction Team from the Service-Learning Class at Auburn University. Led by AGC Outreach Director, Craig Stanford, the AGC student chapter installed decking on an Opelika community staple known as the Curtis House. This house was once a family-owned home that opened their doors to children at nearby schools for after school care services and has now grown into a nonprofit community outreach center. The Service Learning teams began renovating the house at the start of 2020, but due to COVID-19 and water damage setbacks, the project was delayed until the Fall of 2020.

As part of our organization’s mission and long-standing tradition of AGC-led community service, the AGC student chapter saw the opportunity to make back time for fellow classmates on the project. Students from BSCI and civil engineering successfully decked a new wraparound porch for the Curtis house, and the building is set to be completed by June 2021.

Along with the Curtis House, Auburn University seniors in the McWhorter School of Building Sciences also completed Habitat Home #70 for the Harris family. The McWhorter School of Building Science is the only school in the country with a Building Science Community Involvement program such as this. Students make professional presentations, select a client, complete classroom work as well as on site construction projects, and follow up at the end of the semester with a professional presentation of completed work. 

The Curtis House and Habitat House are both projects that are sponsored by the Building Science Program. Thank you to all students, professors, partnerships and organizations that were involved in these projects — Together we build homes, community, and hope.