AGC Analysis Doc. for Debt Limit Bill

Thank you for helping push out the action alert on the debt limit bill—the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA). Our staff has put together:

  • the attached and linked analysis of the FRA for the construction industry; and
  • a couple slides (attached) to show the FRA impacts on permitting and infrastructure programs. 

The message is clear: this is the most significant federal environmental review and permitting reform in more than 40 years, the last time Congress amended the National Environmental Protection Act. These are reforms that the association helped craft through its work with AGC members, legislators, and federal agency regulators over many years. The breadth of AGC of America’s multi-year advocacy and outreach campaign includes but is not limited to: 

  • The production of a Construction Advocacy Fund-financed 34-page white paper detailing reforms to the environmental review and permitting process; 
  • Creating a thorough environmental permitting flowchart to showcase the need for these reforms; and 
  • Many years of AGC members and staff testifying before Congress and sending tens of thousands of communications to their members of Congress and the president in support of these reforms.

As we head into the summer meeting season, please let me know if your chapter would like a member of our team to call/zoom/teams/speak in person to your members, government affairs committees, or boards of directors about these and other significant victories—like the three Construction Advocacy Fund-financed AGC of America wins at the U.S. Supreme Court including on WOTUS, protecting owner/contractor communications, and—just yesterday—National Labor Relation Act preemption of state damage claims when an union intentionally destroys employer property.

AGC of America Review of Debt Limit Bill 6.2.23.pdf

AGC Slides on Debt Limit Law.pptx