A Powerful Voice in Government

Governmental affairs play a large role in the service Alabama AGC provides to our members. We believe that working with elected officials on industry issues is the key to success for the future of construction. Our members benefit from our active participation in the legislative process at the local, state and federal levels affecting economic and infrastructure development. 

Alabama AGC originates and coordinates support for bills favorable to the industry, while also opposing unfavorable legislation. During the legislative session, weekly updates on current legislation are sent to members through email alerts and updates to our website.

“The state PAC is a great help to me in the legislature, and being able to help candidates when they are running for office is a great tool for us. In addition, our grassroots efforts and being able to mobilize AGC’s members is a critical element to our success.”

Chris Williams, Alabama AGC’s Director of Governmental Relations

Major Activities of Your Alabama AGC Legislative Advocacy Team

  • Review Legislation & Regulations
    -Hear lobbyist report from AGC’s Director of Government Affairs during the Legislative session
    -Review proposed legislation and agency regulations
    -Determine if AGC needs to take a position
    -Develop an action plan to support or oppose legislation
    -Use AGC Legislative Action Center to help members support or oppose legislation
    -Provide information to members on proposed agency rules and regulations
    -Coordinate member response on proposed agency rules
    -Work proactively on positive changes in safety & environmental regulations, contract terms, and other issues
    -Oppose new regulations that are harmful to the construction industry
    -Develop proactive policy statements on major industry issues
  • Elections & AGCPAC
    -Produce AGC Legislative Guide and list of AGC supported candidates to membership
    -Use AGC website to help AGC members stay informed of upcoming elections and information
    -Interview candidates for federal office and recommend support to AGC America PAC
    -Interview candidates for state legislature
    -Recommend financial contribution to candidates supported by AGCPAC
  • Agency Interaction
    Interact with agencies on behalf of Alabama’s construction industry, such as:

    -Alabama Department of Finance, Division of Construction Management
    -Alabama Department of Transportation
    -Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors
    -Alabama Department of Environmental Management
    -Environmental Protection Agency