First, we hope everyone is healthy and doing well in this time of national
peril. We urge you to follow the guidelines that have been issued by all
organizations involved in trying to keep us safe.
The good news is that both the Federal and State Governments have declared
construction an essential industry, so your companies can continue to function.
Now for some Legislative news:
AGC was part of a conference call Friday with Speaker of the House Mac
McCutcheon and Senate President Del Marsh. The gist of the call was that the
State Legislature is pretty much where the rest of us are . . . on hold. The
House and Senate will reconvene on March the 31st. Both Houses will bring in
just enough members to have a quorum. The State House will not be open to
the public. They will agree to reconvene on Tuesday April the 28 th. If things
have not changed by then they will make another decision.
The priorities at this time are to pass the budgets, some local bills and any bills
that affect the economy. If they cannot meet before May 18th, which is when
the 105 calendar days allowed by the Constitution expires, there will be a
special session before October.
So that is where we are with the 2020 Regular Session. We will keep you
posted on any new developments.
Again, please stay safe.
Until next time. . . . . . .
Chris Williams
Director, Governmental Relations