This afternoon, Governor Kay Ivey issued a Stay at Home Order, limiting the activities of all persons in Alabama. Exceptions stated include, among others, “A person may leave his or her place of residence to perform work at essential businesses or operations”.
Essential Businesses are defined in the order to include, among others, those engaged in “Government Operations, Infrastructure Operations, Manufacturing Facilities, Financial Services, Professional Services (legal, accounting, insurance, and real estate services), Construction and construction related services, Essential public services, Essential services or product providers, Federally-designated critical infrastructure, and Support operations for essential businesses and operations.” Definitions for each are stated in the Order.
Essential businesses “may, but need not, issue credentials to their employees verifying their status as an employee of an essential business or operation. The decision to provide any such credentials is left to the discretion of the essential business or operation.”
This Order is effective Saturday, April 4, 2020 and will remain “in full force and effect until 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2020” when a determination will be made either to extend or relax the Order.
Alabama AGC issued earlier today an Essential Employee Card for member use. List Project Name or Scope of Work (emergency service work, equipment delivery, etc.) if Project does not have a specific designated name.
As there is no margin for error, Alabama AGC urges its members performing essential work to strictly follow CDC guidelines so that our workers return home safely and healthy. A list of jobsite recommendations, jobsite posters, employee cards and letters (sample letter 1, sample letter 2) are available on the website ( and on our app. Posters are also available to be mailed upon request.
AGC_Stop Germ Spread Poster