Please Host A Safety Meeting/Tool Box Talk
on May 31st Focusing on Heat Illness Awareness
Everyone on a construction site should know
how to prevent heat related illnesses!
Construction jobsites and other workplaces across America are
being asked to host a Safety Meeting/Tool Box Talk focusing on
heat illness prevention on May 31st.
Alabama AGC and CompTrust AGC are strong supporters of OSHA’s
campaign to educate field employees on the dangers of heat illness and
how to look for warning signs in fellow employees.
This time of year can be brutal on construction employees in Alabama.
Heat illnesses can be deadly, but they are preventable with the proper education and team work.
Take some time to educate your employees on the dangers of working outdoors and the
precautions which can save their lives.
OSHA has provided a training guide to assist you in which can be found on
OSHA or AlabamaAGC websites or by clicking on the links below.
OSHA Heat Illness Training Guide
OSHA Quick Card—Heat Stress
OSHA Heat Stand Down 2019 Information
For More information, please contact
Charlotte Kopf: 251-344-8220