Notice to Contractor Insert for
This issue came up last week during the ARBA Liaison Meeting. If you are not aware, FHWA mandated this change based on the wording in the regulation. Without repeating much of the details from the Liaison Meeting, I can summarize by saying ALDOT (and other states like us) was not given a choice. The issue came as a surprise to industry members who attended the meeting even though it went into effect in January, so I am sending this out so you can distribute to your members.
The gist is if only the low bidder turns in a U-plan within 5 days and something goes wrong (he has bonding issues, doesn’t meet goal and meet GFE, turns the job back in, etc), then ALDOT cannot call the other bidders and ask for a U-plan. At that point in time, we will have to reject all bids and re-let the project.
If you have questions, please let us know.
Skip Powe, P.E.
State Construction Engineer
Alabama Department of Transportation
Construction Bureau