In today’s world, the average contractor lives and dies by their experience modification rating (EMR/mod) factor. It has become the leading indicator on whether a contractor may be allowed to bid a job. The practice of limiting project bidding opportunities on this one single factor is a disservice to our industry and the other industries we serve. As we all know in the construction industry, one claim for Worker’s Compensation can take you from hero to zero in your organization when it comes to your work comp mod factor. The experience modification rating is a 50-year-old underwriting component of the Worker’s Compensation system. Its use for reasons other than underwriting insurance in today’s construction environment is a problem… so CompTrustAGC has created a tool to help you better manage and control your EMR.
That tool is TRIAGE! Triage is a 24 / 7 / 365 telephonic nurse first program, that puts the contractor in a position to better manage claims from the very onset of injury. Triage allows the injured worker and job superintendent to be able to call an 800 number and instantly speak with an occupational nurse to discuss the details of the injury immediately. That nurse can then help determine whether or not the injury requires outside medical treatment or may be handled with first aid and self-care.
The Triage hotline is staffed around the clock and provides workers’ comp nurses who live and work throughout the state of Alabama, to be able to take your call …live and immediately while on the job site. The average call last 14 minutes and the nurse is able to determine the overall extent of the injury and help guide the superintendent and the injured worker on the next appropriate steps. Should medical attention be needed, the nurse will advise the employee of the nearest medical provider and will contact the provider to let them know the injured worker is en route and of the extent of their injuries. This expedites the whole process and facilitates the injured worker getting to the doctor and back on the job with rapid results, while creating the First Report of Injury.
The proprietary Triage program that we have built with our vendor is generating a 50% reduction in the number of injuries that are going to outside medical treatment. A 50% reduction in injuries represents a huge reduction in cost, but more importantly reduces the number of claims that are reported against your experience modification rating while leaving your drug testing policy intact.
For more information about our proprietary triage program please contact Kendra Harrington (205.730.2868 or kharrington@mrm-llc.com) at Millennium Risk Managers, LLC.