Part I: Form I-9: Mistakes Big or Small – Avoid them All!

Ever wonder if you are correctly completing the Form I-9? Concerned about having your I-9s audited? Who better to hear from than someone that works in the very government division that houses and oversees the Form I-9. A host of in-depth areas will be covered to include; do you have to insert ‘N/A’ in various blocks?, the differences in the fillable version versus the paper copy; how to and who can make corrections during a self-audit; how the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division can assist you with how to avoid work-related discrimination, in regards to the Form I-9 and E-Verify, and other ‘in the weeds’ areas that will have even the most seasoned I-9 professionals saying, “I didn’t know that”! Better yet, your questions are highly encouraged during the session. A very engaging and high energy presentation unlike any other government session you’ve attended.

Upon conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:
● Conduct employment eligibility verifications, correctly, using the revised I-9
● Examine the differences in the paper vs. the fillable versions to ensure proper completion of the form
● Provide resources to improve your employment eligibility verification compliance processes and program
● Discuss real world examples that will assist in your understanding and answer questions you may have

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