Join us on October 25 as we share the latest offerings of CompTrustAGC and its suite of insurance products at the 2018 CompTrustAGC Annual & New Product Rollout.
The meeting will begin at 11 a.m. with lunch served at the Henry T. Hagood, Jr. Conference Center at the Alabama AGC Building in Irondale.
Attendees will be treated to Guest Speaker, Pete Blank, a former Disney University Leader who will speak on the Disney Way of Customer Service, and will receive the latest updates of CompTrustAGC and AGC P&C.
Two new insurance products – Contractor’s Pollution Liability by Axon Underwriting and Builder’s Risk by OneBeacon – will be introduced to complement the current coverage provided by CompTrustAGC and AGC P&C. Togther these products will provide contractors comprehensive insurance solutions with competitive pricing making contrcators more competitive in the market place.
We will also recognize the top producing agencies and honor the first recipient of the CompTrustAGC Capstone Award.
There is no cost to attend, but seating is limited so make your reservations today!