The Associated General Contractors of Alabama, Inc. is Alabama’s largest construction trade association. Our members include more than 800 of the top general contractors, construction managers, specialty contractors, and service and supplier companies. These members support Alabama’s commercial construction industry and are dedicated to our principles of Skill, Integrity and Responsibility. We are one of 95 chapters affiliated with AGC of America representing over 30,000 members nationwide.
AlabamaAGC wants to present worthy undergraduate students pursuing a degree/career in construction with a $1,000 scholarship. The recipient shall be a well-rounded student who excels academically and participates in extracurricular activities – on and off campus.
The application deadline for the upcoming AlabamaAGC Foundation Scholarship Program is November 30. Recipients will be notified and awards made in January. The criteria for receiving the scholarship are:
• Must be a resident of Alabama
• Must be enrolling in, or attending a junior college, technical school or university in Alabama
• Must be enrolled/enrolling in a construction-related curriculum
Applicant Must Provide the Following:
• College or high school transcripts (whichever is most recent);
At least one letter of recommendation;
Proof of residency (example: copy of state issued identification/license, etc.);
• Involvement in extracurricular activities (student construction organizations,
university organizations, community service organizations, etc.)

Alabama AGC Members:
Information on the Howard and Juanita Savage Scholarship Foundation and the fundraising initiative that was announced at the BUILDSouth Awards event in Birmingham can be found here. Please read the letter and consider making a tax-deductible donation – OF ANY SIZE – to the foundation so we can continue supporting the young men and women that are our future of the construction industry. Contact us at to contribute or for more information.

AGC National Scholarships
The AGC Education and Research Foundation (AGCERF) is happy to invest in the future of the construction industry by awarding scholarships to deserving students in construction management and engineering programs across the country. In 2015, 112 scholarships were awarded through the generosity of our donor-supported funds. The scholarships for undergraduates are $2,500 per year and can be renewed for up to three years. Graduate awards are $3,750 annually up to a maximum of $7,500.